miércoles, 22 de abril de 2020

Día 41 - Day 41 - Giorno 41 - Jour 41

Día 41 de confinamiento, he perdido la noción del tiempo, ya no miro el reloj y me he resignado a pasar mi cumpleaños entre el sol de la terraza, la mesa de la cocina y el sofá del salón. Atrás quedan 41 días que no olvidaremos, 41 días donde descubrimos algo nuevo o 41 días de vagueo. Pero aunque me gustaría salir a la calle a dar un simple paseo… estos días han estado llenos de momentos. Porque aunque se hayan modificado mis horas de sueño he aprendido a apreciar, más que nunca, los pequeños momentos. Como las videollamadas a altas horas de la madrugada, amo la versión de las 3 a.m. de las personas: vulnerables, honestas, reales. El insomnio desnuda sentimientos, la cuarentena te enseña que quien de verdad está en tu vida, está, esté donde esté y que beber de más a través de una pantalla también tiene su gracia. Que 41 días dan para leerme 3 libros y medio, ver 11 películas, 9 series y sentir cierta atracción hacia la cocina, atracción que se refleja en forma de palmeritas, bizcocho o incluso en mousse de chocolate. Que a Sabina también le robaron el mes de abril y siguió llenando estadios y que es ahora cuando más nos damos cuenta de con quién tenemos ganas de estar. Dentro de poco los “ven” tendrán más sentido que nunca. ¿Y tú, a dónde irás?

Day 41 of confinement, I have lost track of time, I no longer look at the clock and I have resigned myself to spending my birthday among the sun on the terrace, the kitchen table and the sofa in the living room. Gone are 41 days that we won't forget, 41 days where we discover something new or 41 days of wandering. But although I would like to go outside for a simple walk... these days have been full of moments. Because even though my hours of sleep have changed, I have learned to appreciate, more than ever, the small moments. Like late night video calls, I love the 3 a.m. people version: vulnerable, honest, real. Insomnia exposes feelings, quarantine teaches you that who really is in your life, is, wherever they are and that drinking a bit much through a screen is also funny. It takes 41 days to read 3 and a half books, watch 11 movies, 9 series and feel a certain attraction towards the kitchen, an attraction that is reflected in the shape of heart-shaped puff pastry, sponge cake or even in chocolate mousse. That Sabina was also robbed the April month and he continued to fill stadiums and that it's now when we most realize who we want to be with. Soon "come" will have more sense than ever. And you, where will you go?

Giorno 41 del confinamento, ho perso la cognizione del tempo, non guardo più l'orologio e mi sono rassegnata a trascorrere il mio compleanno tra il sole sulla terrazza, il tavolo della cucina e il divano nel salone. Sono passati 41 giorni che non dimenticheremo, 41 giorni in cui scopriamo qualcosa di nuovo o 41 giorni di vagare. Ma anche se vorrei uscire per una semplice passeggiata... in questi giorni sono stati pieni di momenti. Perché anche se le mie ore di sonno sono cambiate, ho imparato ad apprezzare, più che mai, i piccoli momenti. Come le videochiamate a tarda notte, adoro la versione alle 3 a.m. di persone: vulnerabili, onesti, reali. L'insonnia espone sentimenti, la quarantena ti insegna che chi è veramente nella tua vita, è, ovunque si trovi e che anche bere di più attraverso uno schermo è divertente. Ci vogliono 41 giorni per leggermi 3 libri e mezzo, guardare 11 film, 9 serie e provare una certa attrazione per la cucina, un'attrazione che si riflette nella forma di palme, pan di spagna o persino nella mousse al cioccolato. Che anche Sabina sia statao rubato il mese di aprile e abbia continuato a riempire gli stadi e che è ora che ci rendiamo più conto di  con chi vogliamo essere. Presto "vieni" avranno più senso che mai. E tu, dove andrai?

Jour 41 de l'assignation à résidence, j'ai perdu la notion du temps, je ne regarde plus l'horloge et je me suis résignée à passer mon anniversaire au soleil sur la terrasse, la table de la cuisine et le canapé du salon. En arrière 41 jours que nous n'oublierons pas, 41 jours où l'on découvre quelque chose de nouveau ou 41 jours d'errance. Mais même si j'aimerais sortir dehors pour une simple promenade... ces jours ont été pleins de moments. Parce que même si mes heures de sommeil ont changé, j'ai appris à apprécier, plus que jamais, les petits moments. Comme les appels vidéo de fin de soirée, j'adore la version 3 a.m. de personnes: vulnérables, honnêtes, réelles. L'insomnie expose des sentiments, la quarantaine nous apprend que qui est vraiment dans notre vie, c'est, où qu'il soit et que boire de trop à travers un écran est aussi drôle. 41 jours sont plus qu suffisant pour me lire 3 livres et demi, regarder 11 films, 9 séries et ressentir une certaine attraction vers la cuisine, une attraction qui se traduit par la forme de palmiers, de génoises ou même de mousse au chocolat. Que Sabina a également été volée le mois d'avril et a continué à remplir les stades et que c'est maintenant que nous réalisons le plus avec qui nous voulons être. Bientôt, les «viens» auront plus de sens que jamais. Et toi, où iras-tu?

Top: Primark - Camisa/Shirt: Bershka - Jeans: Bershka

Fotografía por/ Pictures by: Alex Funes & Loly

43 comentarios:

  1. Thank you so much Jennifer! Have a nice day! xx

  2. I get insomnia some nights too! I really like your outfits and how you translate all your text. :)

    Perla Lifestyle Blog

    1. Thank you so much for your comment Perla! And yes... it's not easy to fall sleep this days! xx

  3. What a beautiful look.

  4. I love that bra and the shirt - such a pretty combination and you look gorgeous! Can you really not go outside for a walk? At least they're encouraging us to go outdoors for walks or runs (though some of the walking trails are getting overcrowded). I'm still going in to work since mine is considered an essential business, so it doesn't feel a lot different but I'm dying to go into a restaurant and eat. They do let them serve food as take-out and for delivery, though. Your photographer does a beautiful job!


    1. Thank you so much for your comment Ruth! I'm happy you're having "a normal life" as far as possible. No, in Spain you only can go outdoor for going groceries, schools are closed and all jobs where is possible work from home... let's hope everything ends soon. Have a lovely day dear! xx

  5. Love this look, the shirt is so beautiful!!!


  6. qué bueno disfrutar de esos momentos, yo sigo trabajando así que manteengo los mismos horarios que antes, pero hablo mucho más con familia y amigos!
    un beso,

    1. Nunca hemos estado tan juntos y separados al mismo tiempo. Un besazo enorme bonita, que todo vaya bien!

  7. Wow! Beautiful photos!

    Carina | https://carinazz.blogspot.com/

  8. Hubahubba....Nina!! Girllll...you look beautiful and sexy. So radiant as well. I love this!


  9. These photos look gorgeous, that bralet is stunning on you! xo

    Makeup Muddle

  10. Beautiful photographs dear. You look phenomenal.
    Happy birthday (if I understood well you celebrated your birthday recently or at any rate during the quarantine?). My birthday is also in April.

    1. Thank you so much Ivana for your comment and for your congratulations, my birthday is next tuesday!^^ Have a lovely day dear! xx

  11. Excelente post! Van a ser días de mucha creatividad aún, pero al terminar la cuarentena no puedo esperar por ver a mis amigos y familia.


    1. Muchas gracias por tu comentario Natalia! Estamos deseando que ese día llegue pronto! Un besazo enorme!

  12. Happy birthday to you! We have a few quarantine birthdays to celebrate coming up, it is certainly a strange time to celebrate a brithday!

    Hope that you are having a lovely weekend :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Thank you so much Mica! Yes It will be a different birthday but we'll have to celebrate it anyway!;) Have a lovely day dear! xx

  13. Hola Nina, y yo quiero volver a viajar a Europa y ste año ya no podra ser, pero nadie me quita comenzar a organizarme para el proximo año

    1. Hola Bella, muchas gracias por tu comentario! Espero que ese viaje puedas hacerlo pronto, yo también estoy deseando conocer nuevos lugares, por ahora nos tendremos que conformar con el buen tiempo en las terrazas. Un besito!

  14. You look so stunning in these photos! This quarantine really is teaching us a lot about ourselves. I am trying to learn how to appreciate the little things in life. I hope you are hanging in there!


    1. Thank you so much for your comment Jill! You're right know ourselves and appreciate the little things are really important. Have a lovely day dear! xx

  15. I love this top and I hope you're staying safe and healthy!

    District of Chic

    1. Thank you so much dear! I hope you the same! Have a nice day! xx

  16. Es precioso el look
    Besos y te esperamos

  17. Beautiful blog and photos girl xx


  18. This post is so beautifully written. It's so important to appreciate the smaller, simpler moments! Thanks for sharing, I hope you're doing well! Happy belated birthday, as well! :)


    1. Thank you so much Melissa for your comment and for reading me! Have a wonderful day dear! xx

  19. Niedawno zamówiłem tę samą sukienkę, bardzo mi się podoba! : *
    Cotton Mask
