Y quién sabe, quizás después de la fiesta la vida se
convierte en un cuento de hadas. Pero dime, ¿cuántas veces llevaste corona o
zapatos de cristal y bailaste un baile que no querías bailar? Pero ahora te
toca, esta es tu ronda, tu bar de moda, ¿a qué me vas a invitar? Sacas tu
revolver del bolso y apuntas a matar. Camarero, compongamos un himno a la
feminidad más autentica, esa sin guiones, donde podamos romper las normas y arder solas. Querida,
espíritu libre, en la barra de este bar
empieza la fiesta, un delicioso juego de libertad y despertar. Aunque… dime,
¿es demasiado pronto
para celebrar la navidad?
And who knows, maybe after the party life turns into a fairy tale. But tell me, how many times did you wear a crown or crystal shoes and dance a dance that you didn't want to dance? But now it's your turn, this is your round, your trendy bar, what are you going to invite me to? You take your revolver out of your handbag and aim to kill. Waiter, let's compose a hymn to the most authentic femininity, that without scripts, where we can break the rules and burn alone. Dear, free spirit, the party begins at the counter of this bar, a delicious game of freedom and awakening. Although ... tell me, is it too
early to celebrate Christmas?
E chissà, forse dopo la festa la vita si trasforma in una fiaba. Ma dimmi, quante volte hai indossato una corona o scarpe di cristallo e hai ballato una danza che non volevi ballare? Ma ora ti tocca, questo è il tuo giro, il tuo bar alla moda, a cosa mi inviterai? Prendi il revolver dalla borsa e miri a uccidere. Cameriere, componiamo un inno alla femminilità più autentica, quella senza script, dove possiamo infrangere le regole e bruciare da sole. Cara, spirito libero, la festa inizia al banco di questo bar, un delizioso gioco di libertà e risveglio. Anche se ... dimmi, è troppo presto per festeggiare il Natale?
Et qui sait, peut-être qu'après la fête, la vie deviendra un conte de fées. Mais dis-moi, combien de fois as-tu porté une couronne ou des chaussures en cristal et dansé une danse que tu ne voulais pas danser? Mais maintenant, c'est à toi, c'est ta tournée, ton bar à la mode, à quoi vas-tu m'inviter? Tu sortes ton revolver du sac et vises à tuer. Serveur, composons un hymne à la féminité la plus authentique, celle sans scripts, où nous pouvons briser les règles et brûler seules. Chérie, esprit libre, la fête commence au bar de ce bar, un délicieux jeu de liberté et d’éveil. Bien que... dis-moi, est-ce
trop tôt pour fêter Noël?
Vestido/ Dress: Bershka
Fotografía por/ Pictures by: Eugene
Instagram: La ilusión de Nina
33 Comentarios
Just like a princess
ResponderEliminarThank you so much Dani!! xx
Eliminarque vestidazo!
ResponderEliminarestas guapisima!
Muchísimas gracias Carmen!! Un beso enorme! <3
EliminarYou have such a beautiful style, this dress looks fab on you Nina xx
Thank you so much for your comment Naya! Have a great day! xx
EliminarReally wow. You look amazing.
ResponderEliminarHave a nice day.
Thank you so much Ela! Have a great day too! xx
EliminarThank you Jennifer! Kisses!:)
ResponderEliminarWow, sei pazzesca in questo abito!
ResponderEliminarKisses, Paola.
Grazie mille Paola! Baci bella!
EliminarSuch an stunning dress and you look so beautiful and glamurose.
ResponderEliminarNew Post - http://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/2019/11/selfkaire-kairetool-cellulite-remover_20.html
Thank you so much for your comment dear!! xx
Eliminarun vstito bellissimo
ResponderEliminarGrazie cara! Baci!
EliminarGreat dress, it suits you well. :)
ResponderEliminarP&P style ♡ ☯ ☮ --- DIY --- fashion --- and more --- ☮ ☯ ♡
Les fêtes de fin d'année sont proches !
ResponderEliminarCette robe est parfaite pour y participer...
Dans l'absolu, oui il y a toujours quelques choses à fêter !
Une simple amitié, un rêve, une déception...
Donc, voilà, je te souhaite bon amusement...
Un gros bisous ma chérie
Merci beaucoup Lucy!! C'est vrai, il y a et il y aura toujours quelques choses à fêter!
EliminarBisous belle!! <3
wow you're dress is sooo nice! love it!!! xx
ResponderEliminarThank you so much Melina!! xx
EliminarWhat a stunning statement dress on you! It would be great for a Christmas party :)
ResponderEliminarHope that you have a wonderful weekend! :)
Away From Blue
Thank you so much Mica! My weekend was great, have a lovely day!
Love this dress! Perfect for the holidays coming up.
Thank you so, so much dear!! Have a great day! xx
EliminarStunning! Love this beautiful party dress xx
Thank you so much Violeta!! xx
EliminarYou look amazing in that dress!
✰ maidoesthings.com
Mai! Thank you so much!^^ xx
EliminarWow! Gorgeous! Love the dress, dear!
ResponderEliminarxoxo, Vanessa
Thank you for your comment Vanessa!! xx
EliminarThat leopard print dress is stunning! I love the red and black together!
ResponderEliminarx Kara | http://karascloset.net
Thank you so much Kara!! xx
EliminarThanks for reading dear! xx