miércoles, 5 de junio de 2019

Nantes, eso que siento mio - Nantes is what I feel mine - Nantes, quello che sento mio - Nantes, ce que je ressens moi

Crecer es aprender a despedirse. Te despides de personas, lugares, momentos y emociones. Incluso te despides de la persona que eras antes de convertirte en quien eres hoy. E igual no he crecido lo suficiente, pero no estoy preparada para decir adiós a un sitio donde he sido tan feliz, a un lugar, unas personas, que han sido hogar. Y no hay nada más duro que el adiós que dices cuando no te quieres ir. Me independicé para descubrir de qué iba la vida y en cambio, me he descubierto a mí misma. No quiero despedidas tristes, pero las palabras vuelan y los momentos quedan escritos. Así que adiós a la cocina del 4c, a la 319, a Fresche Blanc. Adiós al Nido, al elefante o a la orilla del río. Adiós a Colors, a l'Épicérie, a nuestro restaurante chino. Adiós a una historia. Porque cada rincón de la ciudad me arranca mil recuerdos con sonrisas incluidas. "Porque los lugares no son solo lugares, y si crees lo contrario es que, tal vez, nunca has estado en un sitio de verdad." Y despedirse es asumir que nunca nada será igual que antes. Pero siempre nos quedará un último billar, un último Warehouse, un último Commerce o un último viaje en el tranvía con la tensión en el cuerpo. Porque Nantes es y será eso 
que siento mío sin tenerlo.

Growing is learning to say goodbye. You say goodbye to people, places, moments and emotions. You even say goodbye to the person you were before you became who you are today. And even I have not grown enough, but I'm not ready to say goodbye to a place where I've been so happy, to a place, to people, who have been home. And there is nothing harder than the goodbye you say when you don't want to leave. I became independent to discover what life was about and instead, I discovered myself. I don't want sad farewells, but words fly and moments are written. So, goodbye to the 4c kitchen, to 319, to Fresche Blanc. Goodbye to the Nid, the elephant or the riverbank. Goodbye to Colors, to l'Épicérie, to our Chinese restaurant. Goodbye to a story. Because every corner of the city pulls a thousand memories with smiles included. "Because places are not just places, and if you think the opposite is that, maybe, you've never been in a real place." And to say goodbye is to assume that nothing will ever be the same as before. But we will always have one last pool, a last Warehouse, a last Commerce or a last trip in the tram with the tension in our body. Because Nantes is and will be 
what I feel mine without having it.

Crescere è imparare a dire addio. Saluti persone, luoghi, momenti ed emozioni. Anche saluti la persona che eri prima di diventare quella che sei oggi. E forse io non sono cresciuta abbastanza, ma non sono pronta a dire addio a un posto dove sono stata così felice, in un posto, in alcune persone, che sono state casa. E non c'è niente di più difficile dell'addio che dici quando non vuoi andartene. Sono diventata indipendente per scoprire cosa fosse la vita e invece, ho scoperto me stessa. Non voglio addii tristi, ma le parole volano ed i momenti sono scritti. Quindi addio alla cucina 4c, alla 319, a Fresche Blanc. Addio al Nid, l'elefante o la riva del fiume. Addio a Colors, all'Épicérie, al nostro ristorante cinese. Addio a una storia. Perché ogni angolo della città richiama mille ricordi con sorrisi inclusi. "Perché i luoghi non sono solo luoghi, e se pensi che sia il contrario, forse, non sei mai stata in un posto reale." E dire addio significa sapere che nulla sarà più come prima. Ma avremo sempre un ultimo pool, un ultimo Warehouse, un ultimo Commerce o un ultimo viaggio nel tram con 
la tensione nel corpo. Perché Nantes è e sarà ciò che sento mio senza averlo.

Grandir, c'est apprendre à se dire au revoir. Tu dis au revoir aux gens, aux lieux, aux moments et aux émotions. Tu dis même au revoir à la personne que tu étais avant de devenir qui tu es aujourd'hui. Et même si je n’ai pas assez grandi, je ne suis pas prêt à dire au revoir à un lieu où j’ai été si heureux, à un endroit, à des gens qui sont étés chez moi. Et il n’ya rien de plus difficile que les adieux que tu dis quand tu ne veux pas partir. Je suis devenue indépendant pour découvrir en quoi consistait la vie et je me suis découverte à moi même. Je ne veux pas d'adieux tristes, mais les mots volent et les moments sont écrits. Au revoir à la cuisine du 4c, au 319, à Fresche Blanc. Au revoir au Nid, à l'éléphant ou à l'Erdre. Adieu à Colors, à l'Épicérie, à notre restaurant chinois. Au revoir à une histoire. Parce que chaque coin de la ville attire mille souvenirs avec des sourires inclus. "Parce que les lieux ne sont pas seulement des lieux, et si tu penses le contraire, peut-être que tu n'as jamais été dans un lieu réel." Et dire au revoir, c'est supposer que rien ne sera jamais comme avant. Mais nous aurons toujours une dernier billard, un dernier Warehouse, un dernier Commerce ou un dernier voyage dans le tram avec la tension dans le corps. Parce que Nantes est et sera ce que je ressens moi 
sans l'avoir.

Nantes - France

28 comentarios:

  1. I've had to say goodbye to many friends and family!

    Effortlessly Sophisticated

  2. Me quedé con muchísimas ganas de visitar Nantes y qué razón tienes... crecer es aprender a despedirse.


    1. Pues te lo recomiendo! Es una ciudad pequeñita pero con encanto. Un besazo enorme! <3

  3. Great post! This is such a true thought that life is learning about constantly saying goodbye-to something or someone!

  4. The goodbyes are so hard at times. But we get to experience more and more!!

  5. These are lovely pics! You look so chic.


  6. Wow this looks amazing babe.
    Thanks for sharing

    Much Love,

  7. Leaving something you've come to love or even are just comfortable with is such a hard thing to do, but just realize that there are new and exciting things ahead and if you don't leave one place you love, you won't ever know how much more you might love the next one. Your pictures are gorgeous and I can see why you don't want to leave.


    1. Thank you so much for your comment Ruth!! You're right! Have a lovely day! xx

  8. Goodbyes are so hard but I do think we learn to grow from them!


  9. I love France but I have never been to Nantes It looks so beautiful It is goodbye for now but you can always go back and revisit and say hello again xoxo Cris

    1. Thank you for your comment Cris!! Yes, you're right, I can always can back! And if you've never been you have to visit Nantes! It's a beutiful place!;) Have a great day dear! xx

  10. These are all lovely photos and france is a lovely place.

    new post

  11. Lovely look, you look beautiful, i love the gingham pants.

  12. Such a beautiful city, I would absolutely love to visit! Thanks for sharing! x

    Maria @ clumsyagenda.com

  13. Sounds like you are very tuned into the ways of the world, lovely post x

    Jenny | Local Leo

  14. Great photos! Thanks for sharing this.

    Gemma x
